The Evolution of a Threat.

From November 3 to January 6 to January 20 to today, we’ve watched election security evolve to become the biggest wedge issue of them all.

2 min readApr 6, 2021

Last week, I expressed my disappointment in the Texas Legislature’s focus on revising election laws in what appear to be attempts to put a thumb on the scales of American democracy.

The response was incredible but also reinforced a troubling reality.

A couple of examples which illustrate the point follow. These come from respected community leaders and trusted personal advisors. My thanks to each of you who took the time to provide substantive feedback and — occasionally strongly worded — perspective.

  • I have been an election judge or alt judge for the past 7 years. There is nothing wrong with the [local] system and a lot very right with it! As for voting security, simplicity, it is there!
  • I would have never believed just how bad it is until actually being in the middle of it for the first time during the past election. It’s bad … and it’s going to get worse. These were NOT secure elections.

Election security has escalated to become, to me, a surprising case study of American political polarization. The accelerated evolution of the issue from November 3 to January 6 to January 20 to today reveals a very real threat that must be acknowledged and reckoned with. It exemplifies the fragility of trust and the power of strategic division, media leverage, and ill-intent to consume even the most level-headed and generous of neighbors.

In the case of a presidential election, it also represents an apex moment of inflection — one that can cast doubt on the legitimacy of our country and its government. As that trust diminishes, so does America.

Since last week’s email, citizens and businesses have engaged to stop the one-sided effort in Texas and broaden the conversation to introduce more, not less, electoral access and parity to our state. That work will escalate in the days to come.

My perspective remains that more people, not fewer, should vote and our voting infrastructure should be securely improved to make it easier than ever for American citizens to make their voices heard.

You can read last week’s newsletter here. Please let me know what you think.

You can also take a 10-second UST Community poll on election security and provide your comments there.




Using new data to educate and engage community coalitions on the issues left behind by today’s divisive politics.