Anger To Action

2 min readFeb 25, 2021


The disaster that followed the cold weather in Texas was preventable and predicted. Join the discussion.

Many of us witnessed, up close and personal, a broken system and it’s up to us to fix it. But what are we working to change? The politics? The policies? The people? The parties? All of it?

In America today, these questions apply to almost every challenge we face.

Starting next week, in an upcoming live, virtual series with experts across the spectrum, the UST community will dive deeper into the Texas weather crisis as a case study for turning frustration into progress.

You’re an important part of the conversation. You can submit your questions in advance via email or ask your questions live across Facebook, Youtube, or LinkedIn.

The conversation will be organized along the five themes guiding our work.

Take this 10 second poll to let me know which one you’d like to explore first.

Although we’ll focus on the failed Texas energy, response, and leadership grids, the systemic dysfunction displayed in the Lone Star State over the last week is evident in communities across the country. Let’s start and lead the discussion of productively tackling these problems.

Our broken political system must be mended to reflect the good will and perseverance of Americans. We have to reconcile and decrease the remoteness of the American Dream, introducing new infrastructure and fostering innovation every step of the way. And we’ve got to mentor the entrepreneurs, creatives, and builders who will launch the next American Century.

Thanks in advance for your feedback! We’ll announce the line up and participants next week.


My initial thoughts on the Texas weather catastrophe can be found here.

For those of you unfamiliar or uneasy with the new online conference world: it’s free, anonymous (if you choose to be), and easy! If you’re confused about where to start, call our team at 877–624–5777 and they’ll walk you through it.




Using new data to educate and engage community coalitions on the issues left behind by today’s divisive politics.